Barcza Blog interview April 2015


My stereotype of Krisztina Szabó is inaccurate of course. My questions may have made her laugh, even though she’s too polite to send me packing. In cobbling together a few questions –concerning a pair of 20th century compositions—I was far too narrow in my characterization of a singer who has cut a big swath through the Toronto scene. While she appeared in the Toronto Symphony’s concert performance of Benjamin’s Written On Skin just a few weeks ago, and played the Pilgrim in Canadian Opera Company’s L’Amour de Loin –the first COC opera composed in the 21st Century—she also sang the mezzo-soprano part in Handel’s Messiah for Against the Grain. So while she’s worked with the experimental opera groups such as Tapestry and Queen of Puddings (who regularly staged experiments that couldn’t happen without artists like Szabó) she also sings Mozart, Bach & Puccini.

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